Do not miss 10 plugin on every WordPress web site - our technical hub



Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Do not miss 10 plugin on every WordPress web site

WordPress are being most popular and used frame work to design website. WordPress plugins are another great tools to add and extend function to WordPress website.  There are many plugins available for wordpress site but its your intelligence how you choose and keep them on your site. Here, in this post I am going discuss top 10 plugins that adds your website with awesome functionality looks attractive as well as increase your site traffic.

1. JetPack(Freemium)

This is the powerful plugin which is take care with smart and great WordPress team. It is very essential plugin for every wordpress website which deliver you fantastic features to boost your website towards success.
The main feature of this plugin is to take care of your website with security, performance, SEO, image optimization and so on.
Enhanced distribution,  automatically shares published content to third-party services like search engines and increasing SEO rapidly are its away-some features. you can find site maps which help you to index your site to search engine.

2. Akismet(Freemium)

This is another great plugin developed by the Matt and his team at Automatic. As it is default plugins for every new wordpress core installation. This is the plugin which helps your site from anti-spam. It filters all anti-spam plugin by checking all comments and filter out the spammy comments.
You can learn comments which havespammy by Akismet or the moderator where moderator show the approved comments for each user.
3. Yoast SEO (Freemium)
This plugin is dedicated to those user who really want to increase their site traffic. this is the great plugin which help the user, gain trust and sustain the ranking by calling active SEO.
It has many feature to increase SEO. you can choose a focus keyword in the ariticle,  you can choose focus keyword everywhere using image alt tags, meta description, heading and the whole post.

4.  User Registration (Freemium)

This plugin is inbuilt feature installed in default wordpress installation. but you have to enable it from the dashboard. This plugin is free drag and drop user registration plugin for WordPress. It has many great feature one of them is you can easily create smart front-end user registration from within a few minutes. You will get unlimited registration forms, multi-column support, ReCaptcha support, email notification.

5.Google XML Sitemaps(FREE)

This is another great plugin for wordpress. This plugin helps you to index your website into the search engines like google, bing or yahoo with XML sitemap.
After installing this plugin you have to activate it, and as soon as you activate it creates an XML sitemap for your site which makes easy to index.

6.Everest Froms(FREE)

It does not matter how popular your web site is but every website needs 'Contact' page. Contact page is necessary to contact audience to contact with you. According to the website purpose, developers design contact page for either contact or feed back or suggestions or business deal but you need well designed contact page which is essential.
The Everest Forns is the morden WordPress contact form plugin which have drag and drop interface through which you can build great contact froms as your desire, so easily and quickly.

7. W3 Total Cache (Freemium)

You are going to use this plugin to enable caching in WordPres. This plugin will cache your posts and pages as static HTML files which are served to the users. This will fast site performance by reducing the loading time. As we know time is very important to everyone. So that this plugin enhanced site-speed will profoundly impact your site SEO.
W3 Total Cache has many features, among them page cache, database caching, object caching, browser caching and a lot more. Besides, it lets you integrate CDN services to reduce page load time are popularly known. Not only tha but it has options to magnify and HTTP compression of the HTML, JS, and CSS files so that you can save bandwidth up to 80%.

8. VaultPress (Freemium)

This plugin is mainly used for security purpose because it creates real-time automated backups for your websites. It will create optimized backups regularly and restore your website in a matter of seconds with just a single click. With multiple subscriptions, you can also monitor, backup and manage multiple websites through a single dashboard.
Not only that but it scans and detects dangerous files on your website and emails the administrator if it detects any changes to your installation. It has other features also, like it can review very easily and can manage suspicious codes, it can solve their issues in a matter of clicks. 

9. WP Smush (Freemium)

Images are the key things of your website which makes your website attractive, eye-catching and grab users' attention. This plugin is used to make your page attractive, catchy and engaging.
By using this smart plugin you can compress and optimize the images without reducing the quality of the images. It can optimize all types of images including JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF etc which will increase not only the web site performance but also reduce the storage space. By using this plugins you can smash bulk data  up to 50 attachments at a time.

10. WP-Optimize (FREE)

This is the plugin which is used to clean woedpress database to optimize wordpress. It removes unnecessary data from the wordpress automatically without any queries. So this plugin is best plugin to optimize your database for the best performance.
You may not know how many unnecessary data are in your website which loads your website, consume spaces and decrease site overall performance. But this plugin refresh by removing all spammy and un-approved comments, trash post, comments, trackbacks and pingbacks ets.

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