How to make money from blogspot in Nepal - our technical hub



Wednesday, May 16, 2018

How to make money from blogspot in Nepal

How To Make Money Blogging

In this post, I will technically support you to make blog, posting post and make money blogging. AT the very first you need to registrar new blogspot domain. Which is free of cost for every one and everywhere. After that you have to follow some few steps for best result. Which are described here under.

1. Get as much visitor as you can.

If you have a large number of visitor on your blog, you have more chance to earn more. You may have less readers on your blog at the bigning, but your intention most to build more visitor on your blog.

Your blog article will be that type, if readers visits once will come back again. these type of visitor will rank your site better.

For this, you can collect the list of email address, after collecting readers' email address you will email with biggest mailing list. It is said that, "the money is in the mailing list". you can contact these people over and over again through these mail.

You can ask your blog readers to visit your blog, you can ask to watch your product or service provided by you. When readers visits your blog may chance to click add displayed there and you can make money. Most of the company send their product or service on daily or weekly or monthly basis.

2. Monetizing Your Blog

If you have good visitors and good traffic on your blog, you can earn by advertising. The easiest and genuine method to advertise ads is by joining Google AdSense program.

Once you got Google Adsense Account you can built adsense code as your shape or size or as desire. You will be given adsense code, by applying on the area of your blog, you start publishing google AdSense ads. You may have small or large company related or unrelated to your blog topic. You may know that there are million of advertiser bidding to their advertise on your blog. Your job is just to post the code given by AdSese program.

When visitor visits your blog will see the ads appear on that blog, from which you will get some money. If visitor click on ad you will have more money. After getting the payment thresold, you will be given money through cheque or bank transfer or western mony transfer, usually every month.

How much can you earn ?

Earning depends on How you dedicated on your work. because its very in accordance with your type of blog, number of visitor visits on your site, number of ads click etc. Some few factor which may effect on your AdSense amount are here below.

a) The number of visitors to your blog

Your earning arou nd per day or month depends on this factor. If your blog has more visitor per day,  chances of more clicks on the google ads increases which means more money for you.

b) The visibility of the ads

This is another factor that depends on your amount of earning. Before applying for a google ads code you are asked for some option which includes the type and style of advertisements. You may choose large images, small images or text etc. But chances of clicking on ads are more if you apply where visitor usually see. As we know that more ads on single page feels like spam pages. we have to decide the best ads on best place for best result.

c) The topic of your blog about

This is the final and important factor that affects for your AdSense income that which topic you are blogging about. This is because advertisers will pay more to be on certain blogs than they will for others. If you have created a blog related on the economic topic, if some advertiser want to publish  their ads on your blog, they are likely to pay a good amount per click to this.

I have mention these three factor which determine the amount of money that you earn from Google AdSense. But remember, if you have high traffic blog with right topic, you can earn more than thousand dollars per month. some are earning more than it and some are earning less. Every year nearly two million dollar per year money is earned by publisher per year and that is only form Google AdSense.

You may take long time to start earning money from blog, but don't wary. Keep following these steps perfectly, one day you will get successes. If you have any problem and fell hard then do not feel hesitate to comment on comment box. I will technically supports you.

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