.np Domain Registration for Free: Complete Tutorial - our technical hub



Thursday, May 10, 2018

.np Domain Registration for Free: Complete Tutorial

If you are planning to run your own website on .np domani, this article is dedicated for you. I will guide how to register .com.np or .org.np or other .np ccTLD domain. These domain is available with free registration in Nepal. You need not to pay any money for .np domain registration. But you have to follow the following steps. Any doubt will be cleared if you comment below this article.

STEP 1.   Visit this website: http://register.mos.com.np 

STEP  2.  Enter the domain name and choose an appropriate suffix from the drop down list (Example- ..com.np, .net,np etc.).  And follow Policy For Domain Name Registration Under NP CCTLD.

STEP  3. Check whether your your domain is available or not, if yes then drag box of your domain name to the right side into the domain basket.

STEP  4. Fill out all required information including username, email  and  then click “Register”

STEP  5. Mercantile will send the massage for varification, Go to your inbox and check your email. Click on conformation on that link to  Conform that is you. 
Note If you ignore that link for three days, the domain registration process will be canceled.

STEP  6.  After conforming the link, neww page will open where you have to fill up all required information and then log in to your domain account.

STEP  7. Open this website  http://register.mos.com.np and type username and password.

STEP  8. Here you have to fill out your admistrative  details  which includes your Name, address, admin email, admin phone and admin mobile number where phone will be option for you. If you are registring domain for your comapny then fill out your company details with Org name, Org address, Org email, Org Phone, Org mobile and finally click “Submit”

STEP  9. If you are registring for your comapny then upload request letter that need a letter typed request letter in the company's offical letter head. And secondly you need your scanned copy of Nepali Citizenship card. For organization you will need a copy of the offical registration certificate.

STEP  10. After completing all process, your task will be complete . you need to wait for host master to verified your request. Your application will be on review for 1 to 2 working days. if the application details are correct then you will get massage of conformation.

Enjoy with free .np domain registration

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