Top 10 tips to speed up windows 7 - our technical hub



Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Top 10 tips to speed up windows 7

Windows 7 is most used operating system in the world because It has really good performance. But over time passed, windows 7 system may slow down which get you irritated. you may noticed that your system do not performs like before. If you are facing this type of problem then this information is dedicated to you only. You need some care which will boost your windows 7 overall performance . Among many task you have to do, I have maintained here only top 10 task let you to do.

1. Dissable unnecessary services.

Your system run many services but all are not necessary. So it is your task to disable or modify unnecessary services which occupy the CPU uses and consume system resources. After disabling or modifying  this unnecessary services your system minimize the time of loading starting the services.

2. reduce the Startup Items.

We may have installed many software or program in to our system, which is placed at the startup program list. These program or software need CPU and consume some time for loading. So to speed up your windows overall performance you have to reduce the start up items. You can reduce startup items by using MS-config tool, a tool that is a part of windows.
To use MS-config, got to the start button and type MS-config at the search box. Select the startup tab and deselect the items that you want to reduce.

3.Remove the boat-ware installed by the vender during manufacture.

If you have PC with many software and driver that you will never use, you have to recover these software. for that you have to go to the control panel and remove the software that you are no longer to plan to use. You have to do this to speedup the system performance because these software adds items at the startup process.

4. Install good Antivirus

If your computer is running on windows environment and you are using internet, you have to run anti-malware program to keep viruses and spyware off your system. I am using MSC(Microsoft Security Essential) for this and I recommended you to combat malware. This is because it will successfully catch bad stuff and do not degrade the system performance .

5. Check your system memory(RAM)

If your system is not performing well or your system page is out  to disk, then you have to check your RAM. You can replace worse RAM by new one or adding more memory to your PC. This will increase your system performance.

6. Try to use Solid State Drive

Now a days people are using SSD on their laptop or desktop because of their good performance. SSD use memory cells which reads data very quickly. If you go for SSD your system will get new life and you feel new user experience.
Yes! it is quite expensive but performance is also better.

7. Power setting 

if you use windows 7 as high performance power plan then your computer's performance is better when comparing to the power sever plan. But when you plug off your computer go for power sever which will decrease your computer performance. So make sure to set your power setting depending on your favor like how you are using your computer and how often your computer sit idle.
It is easy to change power setting, Go to the start menu and type control panel. there you will see power options and choose there your power plan setting. modify  power setting as your wish.

8. Defragmanted your system.

If you are using old system having traditional spinning disk you have frequently derfragmented your disk to catch up good performance of your system. But if your computer has SSD then you do not go for this because this will not benefit on SSD-based storage but will reduse the life of SSD.
To defragment your disk, go to the my computer and select the drive which you want to defragment, click on disk defragment.

9. Disable or tune search indexing

This is the good feature of windows that its search is good but the main drawback is it will reduce the system performance. So if you want your system performance then you have to disable indexing altogether or you can tune the indexer for specific needs only.

10.Ready Boost

If your are using SSD then this is not for you and will not improve the system performance but if you are using traditional spinning disk. Here you can use flash-based storage using USB stick. This can be done using the feature of Windows 7 named ReadyBoost.
Readyboost allows the system to use speedy storage device for cache to improve overall performance of your system. But you have to follow the limitation of Microsoft as follows.
Capacity 256 MB,  64 kilobytes (KB) of free space, 2.5 MB/sec throughput for 4-KB random reads and 1.75 MB/sec throughput for 1MB random writes.
Another nice feature provide by Microsoft is: if ReadyBoost is not improving your overall performance of your system then it will tell you that you won't let you enable ReadyBoost. If your system is already run fast and windows knows about that, Readyboost will not available as an option.

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