There will be many reason if your computer is slow but every one wish their computer performance would be high. For this you have to find out the reason that effect on your computer performance. Some times your computer hard drive is filled with unnecessary item. Some times your computer have many duplicate items like songs, video or photos which occupy large space of your hard drive. You may have the files with different shape, size and format. You may have high definition video. If you have high graphics video then it also occupy more space of your hardware. These thing will slow down your computer which caused your computer hangs on and off. This is not good for computer user if their computer is slow and hangs most of the times. Note It might be the problem of your disk space is nearly empty with loaded too much date. It may have other reason also but you have to check your hard drive first.
If you note that your hard drive have too much unnecessary files which consume large amount of your disk space, then your first task must be to remove these files or program or software. Some tips are given here under.
First find out the duplicate file and delete them and delete them because same file at same place or other place is really unwanted and have to delete. But if your computer have too much duplicate file then deleting them manually deleting them is really very hard task. But you will have one software which make you easy to do this task. The special programs are waiting for you to perform these task. Some of them are Duplicate Remover Free or Duplicate File Detector or Duplicate mover.
After installing this software just run it, it will ask you how to catch up your duplicate file like size, name or date. It will check through out the computer and listed the duplicated files. Delete them as your wish. After deleting the the duplicated files you will have much space and hence computer performance is increased.
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